!!!.... I am with you now I'm back ..... and like every week end I indulged in the preparation of a new recipe ...... now I leave you the recipe for roast prepared this a few Sundays ago ..... the result was a great recipe and is harder to explain than to do ...... and at home this Mother's roast was promosso a pieni voti..........................
800 gr. di aletta di vitello
100 gr. di prosciutto cotto tagliato a fette
100 gr di fontina a fette
60 gr. di gherigli di noci
40 gr. di burro
1 litro di latte
sale e pepe
100 gr. di farina di mandorle
Battete molto bene la fesa di vitello (che dovrete aprire a portafoglio). Adagiateci sopra la metà delle fette di fontina, il prosciutto cotto, i gherigli di noci e l'altra metà della fontina tenuta da parte.
salt and pepper, then roll the loin, tie with kitchen twine and place in pan with butter. Brown well on all sides. Add salt and pepper and pour the milk. Move the roast in a baking dish and bake for an hour and a half in the oven to 150 degrees.
Once cooked baked, remove the roast from pan and cut the slices. Put the milk in a pan (with which you cooked the meat), add the almonds (which you will shake in flour) and cook over high heat until it is thickened (if it remained too fluid, add one tablespoon of flour).
Serve the roast in the pot with a side of chips.
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