Sunday, January 30, 2011

Which Hd Pro Camcorder I Should Buy

Sacher Torte!

Girls do not believe in myself !!!!! I did the Sacher Torte ...... and it was excellent .. I am proud ..... of myself ...... and of course my husband who helped me in this long adventure ..... yes because finally after a week locked in the house back to work .... but since I am not yet fully healed, I was also locked in the house all weekend and Well this is the result .......

prepared for a long post full of photos .......


200 gr. dark chocolate
100 gr. butter
150 gr. icing sugar
10 whites
8 egg yolks
1 / 2 vanilla bean
120 gr. white flour "00"

For the filling:
1 / 2 jar of apricot jam extra

for the icing:
150 gr. icing sugar
180 ml. fresh cream
90 gr. dark chocolate

For the inscription:
a square of chocolate


Break the chocolate in a double boiler and cook. Beat the 8 egg yolks and add the melted chocolate to cool. Add the softened butter, seeds extracted from pods add sugar and vanilla.

Beat the 10 egg whites until stiff with a pinch of salt and pour 1 / 3 cream into the chocolate, stirring gently from bottom to top. Combine the flour, baking powder and the remainder made up of whites.

Prepare 2 cake tins with a diameter of 26cm. (I used those of Ballarini ) imburratele and Flour, and then pour half of mixture into each and bake at 170 degrees for 25 minutes (fan oven).
Remove from the oven, let cool cakes straight cutting surface with a knife so as to make the surface smooth and flat (per la glassatura) e sovrapponetele inserendo uno strato di confettura di albicocche (prestando attenzione a non arrivare fino al bordo).

Preparate la glassa cuocendo il cioccolato e la panna a fuoco dolce per 5 minuti e unite lo zucchero. La glassa รจ pronta. Lasciatela intiepidire. Per verificare il giusto grado di consistenza della glassa, prendete a glass of cold water and take a drop with a teaspoon of chocolate and let it fall into cold water. If chocolate thickens and falls to the bottom is ready to be put on the cake.

Place the cake on a rack and start frosting being careful to cover it completely and evenly with a spatula. Starting at the top and then coprite il bordo.
Mettete in frigorifero a riposare......dopo qualche ora sciogliete un cubetto di cioccolato in un pentolino e con l'aiuto di un sac a poche decoratela con la scritta......



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