Saturday, March 12, 2011

Road Runner Travel Trailer Manufacturer


La ricetta di questo plum cake è quella però solitamente faccio un sacco di variazioni e creo i plum cake più alternativi in base a dove devo andare e a chi devo portarlo......

Sì, ormai ho questa fama.....di essere la la donna del dolce.....quindi non posso certo presentarmi a casa di amici senza il dolcetto......ormai lo aspettano.....e poi questo l'ho portato a casa di un amico single....quindi.............

Eccovi la ricetta e buon week end ........................


300 gr. flour
120 gr. sugar
100 gr. butter
2 eggs
2 cups of coffee
1 cup and 1 / 2 milk
a pinch of salt
1 tablespoon baking


In a bowl, pour the melted butter and cold with the other ingredients (first then the solid and liquid) with the exception of yeast. With the help of an electric mixer mix until creamy and smooth. Add yeast and continue to knead until it is completely mix. Pour the mixture into a mold with plum cake (I used in the silicone).

Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes ..... I 's I decorated with coffee beans, chocolate covered ......

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Best Way To Create A Boat With Aluminum


Yes .... you just read it right ...... I am an engineer to prepare these cookies with the salted butter .... I owe you confessare che ero molto titubante......è la prima volta che utilizzo il burro salato per una preparazione non lo abbandonerò più......è molto insolito l'accostamento dei biscottini dolci con il retrogusto salato....quanto a questi biscotti non potete immaginare il profumo che ha invaso la mia cucina e la mia casa........esperimento assolutamente promosso....per lo meno per me.......e per il Roby ovviamente................


115 gr. sugar cane
1 egg
250 gr. flour 00
1 / 2 packet of yeast Harp
135 gr. white chocolate
a pinch of salt.


Grease and flour 2 baking sheets (I used to Decorate and that of Ballarini ). With the help of a fusta in a bowl, beat the butter with the advanced salted butter left with the brown sugar until frothy. In a bowl, beat the egg and add it to the mixture a little at a time.

coarsely chopped white chocolate. Meanwhile, sift the flour with a pinch of salt and stir the mixture, also add white chocolate.

With the 'you drop a spoon the mixture on a baking sheet, being careful to separate them so they have room to rise during cooking. Cook i biscotti in forno a 180° per 14 minuti circa fino a chè saranno dorati.

Sfornate e servite (dovete sfornarli ancora morbidi). Non sono bellissimi da vedere ma ottimi da li ho serviti su questo splendido servizio dell'azienda " Laboratorio Pesaro "

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bionicle For Sale In Canada


E' da ieri che sono a casa con l'influenza.....e così oggi a mezzogiorno ho cucinato per il mio maritino questa invented pasta a little at the time ..... I could not resist and I decided to post it immediately ..... it is true that sometimes the tests are the most successful recipes .........


2 zucchini
50 gr. of Auricchietto
Extra virgin olive oil Nocellara Fontanasalsa


Wash the zucchini and cut julienned (I've cut with the food processor) and put them in a pan ceramic Pedrini add a drizzle of oil flame and cook vivace. Nel frattempo mettete portate a ebolizione l'acqua in una pentola Kit Zen  e cuocete 'e paccheri .

soon as the pasta is cooked, drained and place in pan , you blast along with the zucchini and add the ' Auricchietto diced. As soon as the plates begin to melt and pour seasoned with a little oil raw.

What about you once again best wishes for the party of women and bon appetit .....

Monday, March 7, 2011

How Much Are Pearl Necklaces Worth


Direi che questo è un tiramisù perfetto per fare gli auguri a tutte voi donne domani festa della donna.....

Augurissimi ragazze......

Questo tiramisù è tutto per voi.....


2 packages Pavesini
250 gr . mascarpone
1 egg
4 tablespoons sugar
100 gr. Strawberry


In una terrina montate il tuorlo con 2 cucchiai di zucchero poi aggiungete il mascarpone e le fragole frullate con lo zucchero rimasto. A parte montate a neve l'albume con un pizzico di sale e incorporatelo alla crema di mascarpone mescolando delicatamente dall'alto in basso con l'aiuto di una spatola prestando attenzione a non "smontare" la crema.

Take 6 tubs of ' Italian atmosphere and arrange a Pavesini layer, the prepared cream and a sprinkling of Chocaviar . Take the second layer the same as above, and decorated with sliced \u200b\u200bstrawberries and Pavesini.

Let stand in refrigerator for at least 2 hours before serving .....

With this recipe I participate in the Contest of the Air Blog Air Cooking :

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Parts Of A Electric Motor Labeled


Saturday's super race between hairdresser ..... .... shopping ... all the usual gifts and commitments imposed on the weekend ..... . To comfort me I finished the meal with this idea ... delicious combination of fruit with chocolate (sublime combination ).... you just have to try too .... perchè sono veramente velocissimi da preparare...dolci e delicati da assaporare........


4 Fragole
Cocco a piacere


Sciogliete il cioccolato bianco a bagnomaria. Lavate e asciugate le fragole. Spennellatele con il cioccolato bianco e spolverizzatele con il cocco......

Io l'ho servito su questo servizio della Wald   e decorato nel piatto con cioccolato fondente fuso....

Secondo me questo abbinamento è perfetto....avrei   mangiato molto volentieri un intero  cestino ..... e poi è una valida alternativa ad un dolce/frutta piatto unico.........

Friday, March 4, 2011

How Tight Is A Panty Girdle Supposed To Be

It finally arrived Friday ..... and I have decided to close the week posting this wonderful tart prepared last weekend ..... .

I think the photos speak for themselves .... then you know what I say?? Try it ..... Good weekend


400 gr. Strawberry
an egg
100 gr. cornmeal Molino Rossetto
100 gr. white flour
120 gr. sugar
a bit of baking powder for cakes
110 gr. butter
20 gr. breadcrumbs

a pleasure: fresh mint


Mix the flours in a bowl, add yeast, 60 grams of sugar and a pinch of salt. Do the central fountain and put the butter in the center (less than a walnut) softened and the egg and mix with your hands. Place on a board and work the dough until a smooth ball. Wrap in plastic wrap and let rest in refrigerator for 30 minutes. In the meantime, take the strawberries, wash and thinly slice. Add the remaining sugar and stir.

Roll out the dough with the help of a rolling pin and line the tin from the oven with a diameter of 20 cm greased and floured. Remove the excess dough that will serve you to the strips. Sprinkle the base of the tart with the breadcrumbs and adagiateci over strawberries.

Roll out the remaining pastry and cut strips of serrated (I used the wheel Pedrini ). Lay them on the surface of the cake. Bake heat for 40 minutes at 190 degrees.
Remove from the oven and serve decorating the cake with strawberries 2 sliced \u200b\u200bfresh mint leaves and pleasure (I had none)