Monday, June 21, 2010

Wall Cord Covers With Dvd Holder


At 5 am I can see this landscape from the window of the bus.
After a couple of hours we arrived at Tokyo Station, but from there we still need about forty minutes before coming here to Uehara. I weigh more than those that the whole trip. I brought this

Omiyage (souvenirs) to Miyajima, a Dolcino filling typical of the area, shaped like a maple leaf.
Step process the case in the day, bathing and laundry, fix and fix all the leaflets and brochures that I took.
I slept on the bus, so I do not sleep, but even if I do not want to admit they are still a bit 'tired and emotional from the point of view has been a challenging journey.
I also feel a bit 'strange to find myself in a city like Tokyo after the places I've been lucky enough to visit, I'll have to get accustomed to the metropolis.
But despite all this, I'm really happy.


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