Monday, June 21, 2010

Anna Podedworna And Katarzyna Redesiuk

6月3日 ・ Scendendo dal Koyasan

Breakfast is served at the hostel at half past seven, I'm ready a bit 'before but am willing to wait, have a good breakfast is always important, now more than ever, and at the Monaco had advised me not to Starting too soon.
Step Danjogaran from the last time ...
... Daimon past the 8:25 start and descent.
Not before that I was harnessed with the anti-bell bears.
This way is stupas for every 109 meters you will find one of the trail, you actually call Gorinto and all 180 are up to the temple in the valley. They are, from bottom to top, earth, water, fire, wind and space.

The poster for fire protection.

I am having a wonderful forest, these trees are huge.

down to share the landscape begins to change, here are two and a half hours that way.

Every 2 hours or less of the road, find a card that makes me see how far they are very useful!
at noon and I leave something out of the woods in a valley with rice paddies.

And then he falls in the woods. It's not really all downhill (fortunately for the legs!), Is a latch which tends to decrease altitude gradually.

a quarter to one I will stop here to eat, there are benches and tables under a shelter (and I passed another one of those hideous golf courses, also arrived here, not to believe!)
onigiri I have four of two types, but all salmon. The traditional one with the seaweed is better of the other. I also have a cookie shaped like a bird with the eye of chocolate that we found in room in the house the other night (and it is also good).
Now begins the descent to be more decisive.

photographer from the two on, no more. Going to share, now it's hot, plus the drop-down is now very pronounced and weighs a lot on his legs, and then out of this forest are no longer in the shade, the last stretch is among orchards of persimmons, which have to be beautiful d 'fall.
Well, the last hour of walking is the hardest.

Arrival at the temple of Jisonin Kudoyama at 3. A nice gentleman in his seventies, che parla con l'accento del Kansai e quindi non è facilissimo da capire, mi ha accompagnata l'ultimo pezzetto di strada, ero indecisa ad un incrocio, è meravigliato che una straniera gli parli in giapponese e conosca questo posto... Mi dice che vuole farlo anche lui il pellegrinaggio fino al Koyasan, e poi che gli piacerebbe venire in Italia.

La pagoda purtroppo è in restauro.
Sono stravolta e sto colando di sudore, mi fermo un po' all'ombra del tempio prima di visitarlo.
Trovo questo altare a cui sono stati appesi dei seni di stoffa cuciti a mano, lì per lì penso subito a donne che hanno avuto un'operazione, e la cosa mi turba tantissimo, in seguito da qualche parte ho letto che lo fanno anche per avere il latte, chissà.
Anche il signore che mi ha accompagnata qui si è fermato a pregare qui davanti.

E' in questo momento che esce un monaco dal tempio e mi chiede se sono francese.
No, italiana, rispondo. Aspetta un momento, mi dice, ti porto il té.
Nel tempo che io resto lì a chiedermi se ho capito bene, eccolo che torna con un té verde freddo e un mochi , un dolcino ripieno di fagioli rossi, avvolto in una foglia (che ho conservato in un quaderno).
In qualche maniera lo ringrazio, sono grata e commossa, e mi sembra la cosa più buona e dolce che abbia mai mangiato.
Quando ho finito torno to thank him, I feel fine again.

I leave this house with a wonderful feeling.
I still have a couple of miles or so to go before the station is hot and now are plain, but it makes me work harder. The drain of

Kudoyama obviously have an issue khaki.

are now in front of the station, the signals indicate the road to Koyasan, 22 km from here ...

From an objective point of view are in a sorry state, I would help me freshen up the bathroom and change at least the shirt, but the station is very small and that does not lend your bathroom.
So the first hour of the train I was in "wild".
Then when I change trains, I can finally return to some 'presentable and Kayoko call for calm, all is well.

I'm coming back to Kyoto, through Osaka, who see only the train, I have not even the desire to get off and face another city after being in places where I was.

In Kyoto I have a couple of hours to wait before my bus, but mindful of what it takes to move this city (and then are still after seven, and then the places to see are all closed), I'm in the station. Kyoto Station is very modern, a tower block done at various levels of scale, rather ugly, full of shops, on the rooftop terrace garden is a kind of artificial, nothing special but I was looking for a place to eat the last onigiri. I'm going when I realize that I have remained only couples.

I put in the bus station to wait inside there is a very popular French bakery, named "Donne-nous notre pain quotidien.
I take a couple of sandwiches, a cheese, and green beans with a sweet, because tomorrow I do not know what time I can have breakfast. To my surprise are not bad ...

While I wait for the bus arrives a couple who speak Italian, I'm too tired to socialize, wonder what is the right one but I'm asking myself, and for the moment there is no one to ask. When it comes
man who announces the departures, I'm going to ask for information, I intend to help him but he anticipates "Excuse-me, is this the bus for Hiroshima?" (With Roman accent) "No, is the next." "But you are very Italian."

then exchange a few words, are on their honeymoon, and were three days in Kyoto.
"And how many churches have you seen?" I ask. "Well, that and then ...", and then the one for a total of three. All I can only thank Kayoko!

Shortly after arriving the bus to Hiroshima, I explain why they are destroyed and put myself down to the kennel, recommended to look for if they need help.

At one point he comes to wonder if the lights never go out, of course, when they have finished making stops to pick up people, and before that happens, I'm already asleep ...


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