Monday, December 6, 2010

Pinewood Derby/dune Buggy

Sleep soul

Mi rendo conto che cammino in questo periodo come se dormissi, but not commonly understood as the lack of clarity and focus, the more similar to the winter sleep in hibernating animals and plants that are regenerated in the silence and darkness.
I am convinced that we human beings should be given this opportunity.
The peasant society that disappeared had this rhythm in the winter you could only wait, having Pharmacokinetic the land and have it filled with seeds, tools cleaned and settled, we made those small or large repair work could not be carried out in the intense pace of summer and the harvest, we took care of the house more, women are more devoted to the fireplace and enjoyed figli, mariti, animali domestici e famiglia allargata. 
Ormai le nostre stagioni sono quelle virtuali di una serra e i ritmi stagionali, nonostante i segnali che il nostro corpo ci invia, vengono sistematicamente ignorati in favore di un'esistenza falsata che pare la sola possibile.
Ecco, invece la mia anima dorme, dorme e cresce, come i bambini, dorme e assimila nutrimento e prepara progetti sognando per la stagione in cui la luce tornerĂ .
Amo profondamente l'inverno, i suoi giorni corti, la sua luce schietta, le cime innevate dei monti, il freddo limpido di un cielo stellato, il silenzio del riposo stagionale.
S'approssima Yule, il Solstizio d'Inverno, quando la luce come to be reborn, the darkness will be the longest of the entire year and the womb of the Goddess of the Sun is home to baby to be born again.
And I make my Yule tree, since it fits well with the Christian Christmas nativity scene, but despite the attempts of Catholic writers identify him with Christ, the tree is a symbol of pre-existing and always pay for a bridge in time and in space, the cosmic tree, the life that never dies even in the darkness that seems to swallow everything.
what I'm thinking of putting decorations, this year I would like to make with my hands, put on every year a part of my history, my family history, I follow the path of the Tradition which I move, my being a woman, mother, wife, Pagan, daughter and follower of the Goddess.
And within me the colors are red, green and gold of the tradition. If I aim
I hope, I started to something only my own.


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